You may have noticed that i didnt do my secondpost on LFW, well to be honest. It was so uninspiring and just plain yuck, that i couldnt be bothered to pick out some decent looks. My favourite as always is Paris Fashion week, i love watching Chanel, Valentino, Balenciaga, Christian dior, Versace, Gucci ,YSL and Fendi. I also love watching the Haute Couture shows online for their sheer fabulousness! I usually watch them online at style.com or vogue.com
1. My bug bare, is when girlies wear make up that simply doesn't suit them. Make up is meant to enhance your beauty not make you look crazy or washed out! i wear colours that suit my skin such as, peach,browns,gold and some greens for eyeshadows, peach blushers or a bronzer and then some lipgloss which is pink or a natural ish colour, nothing with a blue or purple undertone as it really doesn't suit me. This is what i mean, its just plain ugly on her (fafi collection) and she seems really pretty * taken from kiss and make up website. She uses orange eyeshadow and a blusher that makes her look bruised!
* not coco! this is a super cute kitty i found online, coco is a grumpy 13 year old siamese who we rescued! I still love my coco !
2. Oowwie! My cat coco bit me yesterday because for some reason the dogs starting chasing her around the dining room! ???? So i scooped her up as she is old and in shock she lashed out and bit my two fingers on my left hand! It really hurts as cats have fangs and they go quite deep when biten! So i'm typing this one handed, with christmas plasters on my other hand lol!
3. Im looking around for some new products to try, for this blog! I dont want to bother with fafi as everyone has tried that on their blogs and it gets a bit dull after a while. If you have any products you would like tested out, post it on here!4. I'm sitting here waiting for maybe my dad and sister to bring me back a costa's strawberry shortcake frescato ( Their version of frappuccino's !) I hope it is as nice as the starbucks frap's as i love those, cinnamon dolce latte's/frap's, tazo tea frap's and java chip fraps are my faves! I have even got a big bottle of cinnamon dolce syrup which i add to coffee mmm! I would make fraps but my blender doesn't crush ice boo!
Couture gal xxx
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