Thursday, 24 April 2008


Miss me?

Nope Couture gal isn't missing in action, she need a break due to personal problems. It's sorta sorted out but I'll survive. i can't believe i haven't posted since Saturday, i think i almost had withdrawals symptoms, Kidding! or am i?

With my birthday coming up in 2 weeks, and shockingly i haven't come up with list yet. I have a few ideas but i hope to do a proper post soon. I often get inspiration for blog posts while picking what to wear, listening to music but most of all while going for a walk. I think walking is the best way to come up with blog post ideas so walk with me and get the those blog ideas flowing.

It's late, my hair is a mess, I'm sad that I've just watched this weeks episode of gossip girl and i have to wait another week. It was the Blair's Sleepover episode and my my was it good.

anyway channelling gossip girl

couture girl xoxo, you know you love me

1 comment:

Lil Midget said...

Ooohh..I love the blue dress! So sweet :)

my blog on gothic fashion: