Thursday, 20 December 2007

Getting sucked into the hole of buying cheap stuff


Now lets all be honest, we all love a good bargain ( gosh i hate that word !) and we all love going to sales. We also often get sucked into buying things because of the cheap prices. For example, just now i fell into the trap of sales, on the vs sale online, I thought ooh look cute Henley's, cheap tops, ooh I love it. But then I thought hang on, i didn't love them as much at full price. I am loving them for the price.

This where most people go wrong when it comes to clothes, is that they buy for quantity not quality. So most of the time, they end up with a wardrobe full of clothes but nothing to wear but if u had like half the amount but u had lots to wear that you loved. So in the end it benefits to buy less but spend more on one item.

I have to admit i was this person with nothing to wear but lots of clothes. One day i was like damn i have crap cheap clothes that i don't love and don't make me look great. So i gave most away to charity and my parents bought me some few lovely items which last and fit, they had been trying to tell me this all along but no i was the typical teen I WANT MORE AND CHEAPLY philosophy!!!!

I now have found that believe it or not that juicy hoodies have made my wardrobe worry free!! They look fab with Jeans and a tee, tunics, dresses and vests! Since the beginning of 2007 i had zero juicy hoodies i now have 4 including christmas one!

So girlie's out there, don't get suckered in!!!
For example, a cute $13.50 for a blatant primp swan copy from forever 21, but the quality and fit will definitely not compare to the real one!

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